Some self-assessment and a personal code

  • What’s most important to me in life? Kiri and Hunter then adventure and fun
  • Are there activities I used to do for fun that I no longer do? Is someone interfering and am I resentful because of it? i used to game, karaoke, flirt, and break rules.  Kiri stops me from doing these things.  I used to be resentful, but I’m not anymore.  I’m happier now.
  • Are there valuable friendships with men I’ve let slip away? Phil, Jaron, Tuan, Sean, Donny
  • Where am I currently having problems (unhappy, frustrated, sad, angry, resentful) in my life, and did compromising myself—and what’s important to me—contribute to my feelings and/or the situation?  Clutter (yes), shoulder disability (no), missing family (no)
  • What dreams have I abandoned? Criminal empire, cop, professor
  • If I’m going to be the man I want to be, what will I have to do differently? Nothing.
Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms (N.U.T.s)

I put my wife first.

I give all that I can to my son.

I think before I speak and I speak with a purpose in mind.

I pretend to know less so I can relearn in a different way.

I do not get conned.

I talk to my wife about my challenges.

My shoulder is badly damaged and I don’t strain it.

I do what I want when there’s something I want to do.

My mission in life is to find excitement and adventure. SUSCITO!

  1. Family
  2. Wisdom
  3. Achievement
  4. Adventure
  5. Lust

Adam Simon’s Personal Code of Conduct

  1. I am a family man. I act with consideration to my family at the forefront of my thinking.
  2. I know myself. I keep track of my body and mind and act humble but truthful to who I am.
  3. My life is to be enjoyed while I have it. Every moment not spent living is spent dying.
  4. I practice mindfulness. I live in the moment and am present in the moment without thought to past or future.
  5. I understand the difference between a barrier and a hurdle.  I do not let hurdles change my course.
  6. I am transcendent. I do not let the circumstance of my time, experience, or location dictate my philosophy or culture.


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