100 ways to simplify your life and make yourself happier


I like lists and Miss Minimalist has one of 100 ways to simplify your life and make yourself happier.  I do most of these.  Here's what I don't do.

2. Cancel magazine subscriptions. They were free one year subscriptions and I'm not renewing them.
3. Read news online, instead of on paper. I just don't read the news anymore.
4. Get rid of excessive furniture.  6. Get rid of excessive décor. I get rid of what I can, but Kiri doesn't like an empty house.  I haven't sold her on giant white spaces.
10. Have a place for everything. This is hard since most of the stuff isn't mine, but I've been thinking that if I do a good job, maybe Kiri won't mind me organizing a little.
14. Buy enough socks and underwear Problem solved!  I don't wear socks and underwear!
18. Adopt the “one in, one out” rule. 20. Get rid of one item every day.  I don't think this is necessary when you own less than 100 things.
21. Hang up clothes, or put them in a hamper, as soon as you take them off. Negative.  There are varying degrees of laundry, not just clean or dirty.
27. Don’t buy “fantasy” clothes. I have a heavy English pea coat in Florida and a top hat.  I wear each two days a year, but I feel fabulous when I do!
36. Love those leftovers. 37. Cook a week’s worth of meals at a time. 38. Plan your meals in advance. Bullshit.  Know what happens when you do this?  WASTE!  You get sick of leftovers and your planned meals call for ingredients you don't usually use so the leftovers go to waste.
41. Pare down your dishes, cups, and utensils to what you regularly use. Haven't sold Kiri on this, but really we do entertain a lot.
42. Purge unnecessary gadgets and seldom-used equipment. 44. Keep your countertops clutter-free.  Big Kiri love here.  She loves these things.
45. Develop a set of standard dishes (like a pasta, chicken, or tofu dish), and vary the sauces. Good idea actually...
54. Stay out of debt. Easier said than done.  I had to replace the A/C.
55. Purchase bundled services. Unnecessary and expensive.
61. Quit Facebook (or don’t join). 64. Check and answer email during defined periods. 65. Take digital sabbaticals. I have 30 friends on FB.  I get zero junk email.  When my phone dings, it's something I want to hear badly because I'm watching the same episode of Doc McStuffins for the tenth time with my son.  The internet is life.
80. Make it a goal to do less, not more. Uh... no.  I'm bored.
95. Enjoy without owning. I actually have a trick for this.  Take a picture of the thing and you'll feel good, like you own it.  And if you still want it when you get home, you have the picture to price compare.
96. Downsize your digs. Kiri's not big on the idea of a trailer.
97. Go car-free. I don't know.  Maybe?  At least partly?  When Hunter is a little more well behaved?


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