Self Assessment stuff

Major Problems
  1. Mismanaged Time
  2. Mental illness
  3. Shoulder is weak and pained
Career Problems
  1. Competition needs crushing
  2. Hard to expand curriculum
Problems With Son
  1. Son isn’t potty training
  2. Son has too much energy
  3. Son needs more time in school environment before VPK
Problems With Money
  1. Need $6,000 for a/c
  2. $370 / month for elec/tolls/gas/net
Problems With Fun
  1. Fantasy Fest not good for wife / son
  2. Need designated driver
  3. Need straightjacket for escape trick
  4. No one wants to play sports
  5. Need feedback on self-taught skills
Problems With Self
  1. Mild gingivitis
  2. Tongue looks weird
  3. Stomach is problematic
  4. Belly 15 lbs bigger than I want
  5. Trouble sleeping
  6. Cholesterol slightly elevated
  7. Repulsed by maggots

Bucket List
40. Go to Cuba
54. Like my body

55. Ride a horse
79. Escape a straitjacket
138. Go to Fantasy Fest

2014 Resolutions

Prato, Winter Park (try Widowmaker)
Scratch, Winter Park (closed Monday)
Horse Riding (Tues 9am)
Get under 200 lbs
Reign Over Me (wait for Kiri)
Through a Scanner Darkly (reading)
Gateway to a Vast World by Deng Ming-Dao (collected in Chronicles of Tao, library)
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (library)
Zen Without Zen Masters (on wishlist)
Shambhala by Chogyam Trungpa (available on Kindle)
Novahead (available on Kindle)

7Life System

7 Life Principles

  1. I am a family man. I act with consideration to my family at the forefront of my thinking.
  2. I know myself. I keep track of my body and mind and act humble but truthful to who I am.
  3. My life is to be enjoyed while I have it. Every moment not spent living is spent dying.
  4. I practice mindfulness. I live in the moment and am present in the moment without thought to past or future.
  5. I understand the difference between a barrier and a hurdle.  I do not let hurdles change my course.
  6. I am transcendent. I do not let the circumstance of my time, experience, or location dictate my philosophy or culture.
  7. Find the best rewards and get them. Don't settle for anything less than the best life possible.

7 Life Goals

  1. Keep Kiri happy
  2. Raise Hunter right
  3. Like my body
  4. Escape a straitjacket
  5. Go to Cuba
  6. Go to Fantasy Fest
  7. Richard Petty Driving Experience

7 Before 40

  1. Keep business growing
  2. Keep Kiri happy
  3. Raise Hunter right
  4. Like my body
  5. Escape a straitjacket
  6. Go to Fantasy Fest
  7. Richard Petty Driving Experience

7 Goals For This Year

  1. Potty train Hunter
  2. Get under 200 pounds
  3. Like my body
  4. Read Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
  5. Read Zen without Zen Masters
  6. Read Novahead
  7. Watch Reign Over Me

7 Goals For This Month

  1. Ride a horse
  2. Go to Scratch
  3. Go to Prato
  4. Read Gateway to a Vast World
  5. Read Shambhala
  6. Expand SafeRide social media
  7. Make new friend

7 Goals For This Week

  1. Treadmill
  2. Water Aerobics
  3. Bodyweight Routine
  4. Finish A Scanner Darkly
  5. Make Schedule
  6. Fiverr post
  7. Quality time with wife

7 Daily Goals

  1. Take Pills
  2. Make best use of time
  3. Read A Scanner Darkly
  4. Clean the clutter
  5. Eat light
  6. Exercise
  7. Brush teeth


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