#2 Boss Hurricane and #3 John DeTemple

#2 Boss Hurricane and #3 John DeTemple
Boss and John Four Page Teaser


PANEL ONE – panoramic top
Panoramic view of Gotham city and a winding road leading up to it, a small green and purple car dwarfed as it nears.

We were somewhere around Gotham, at the edge of the city, when the drugs began to take hold.

PANEL TWO – inside car
Art: Boss Hurricane and John DeTemple inside, focused on the road ahead.

Boss Hurricane is a starvation-skinny wired drug addict. He's white and in his late forties. He's dressed in a stained white wifebeater and gray dress pants. His knuckles are bloody, his arms are pot marked with injection scars, and he's sporting an array of multi-colored patches like nicotine patches all over any exposed skin below the neck. His twitching eyebrows can be seen moving between his wrap around black sunglasses and his gray fedora as he nervously drives the car into Gotham. Right now his nose is six inches long and hanging straight down.

John DeTemple is a healthy, smart chemist. He's Puerto Rican and sports a thin mustache above his large toothy smile but also sports stubble on his cheeks. His black hair is medium length and blowing in the wind from the open window. He's wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans and boots.

Gotham City is a paradox. It's the perfect city to be on drugs because the people here love altered humans. But it's the worst place in the world to have those same drugs in your posession. Because this is bat country.

PANEL THREE – inside car

Slow down. You're doing ninety.

Am I?

Boss (separate bubble)
I can't see the speedometer.

PANEL FOUR – a brown bag of drugs between them that John picks up

That's the Gingold. Messes with your eyesight.

PANEL FIVE – John hasn't been looking at Boss for a while and notices his nose. Boss looks at him.

PANEL SIX – John erupts in laughter and Boss just stares at him.



PANEL ONE – The two have parked and exited the car and are moving towards Gotham Fish Cannery. Boss is putting on a gray suit jacket and John is putting on a white lab coat. Boss is carrying a metal briefcase.

You could have just told me I was stretching. You didn't have to laugh at me.

You know what Gingold does. Gets you high and spinning and rubbery and loose.

PANEL TWO – John is putting on latex gloves and Boss cracks a capsule under his nose, sucking up a green gas that comes out and moaning.

Terragen Mists?

Eep eep eep... Oh yeah.

PANEL TWO INNER – tiny panel inside showing a close up of John's moustache and nostrils as a capsule breaks under it and Terragen Mists go up his nostrils.

PANEL THREE – Two doors swing open, pushed open by Boss and John, in their glory. Boss looks more gangster than tweaker and John looks more scientist than hoodlum.

GENTLEMEN! Let's do some business!

PAGE THREE SPLASH – inside the cannery, which looks disgusting and dangerous, are the meanest, toughest, most vicious looking men in creation. And in the center is their boss, a huddled and spiteful man with a long hook nose and hands that look like they were caught in the machinery. He's polishing his monocle. Though it's recognizable as the Penguin, it's a different vision than has been shown before. More realistic and looking more like the victim of a series of horrific accidents than a midget gentleman. Like Danny Devito with pockmarks and scar tissue.

PAGE FOUR TOP HALF – continuation of page three as if panning over to show John and Boss in the door way. Boss has the metal briefcase open to reveal a multicolored galaxy of uppers, downers, laughers, and screamers. John gestures to the briefcase like a model on The Price is Right.

Grendel, Mayfly, Anti-Life, Gingold, Fear Gas, Burnt Sienna, Miraclo, Chuckles, Ilium 349, Delirium, Lazarus Pit, Speed Juice, Kick, Tar, Velocity 9, Velocity 10, Mutant Growth Hormone, Terragen Mists, Extremis, Super Soldier Serum...

PAGE FOUR PANEL TWO – Boss slaps a patch onto his neck with his free hand.

And, of course, the go-to for your personal security...

PAGE FOUR PANEL THREE – Boss gets huge and muscly, screaming as he goes, his pupils fading out.


PAGE FOUR PANEL FOUR – Close up of John's face with his arms motioning back to post-Venom Boss looking terrifying in the background holding the briefcase open.

The only question is


How SUPER do you want to be?


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