Don't know how to use the three sea shells?

"I still want to know how to use the three seashells" - room mate and everyone who sees this stupid scene.

Let me spell it out for you, so that you, too, can be smarter than Slyvester Stallone playing a caveman.  (So easy a Sly Caveman can do it)

The Japanese and other countries have three buttons on their toilet instead of toilet paper.  It's likely that this movie simply decorates the buttons as seashells (like how some toilet paper holders or flushers are ornate).  The three buttons are:

1.  Bidet - a jet of water shoots at your ass
2.  Blow Dry - a jet of air dries your ass
3.  Flush - this one is easy

Now since he didn't say he had trouble flushing, maybe they changed the third and made it perfume or something.

There.  The three sea shells.  Now stop asking.


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