Proteins (with a focus on oily fish and almonds), whole grains, green tea, water, dairy (with a focus on yogurt), vegetables (focus on leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, red beans, spinach, sweet potato, juice), fruit (with a focus on apples, blueberries, avocado)
Proteins: King Oscar brand brisling sardines, herring, and anchovies. Raw almonds. Finally I have a bag of frozen pre-cooked diced chicken breast bits that were the staple of my last diet just in case I get tired of fish and a few ounces of whatever Kiri's making. Hasn't happened yet. I also have whey protein I'm using to hit the goal of 56 grams of protein but I'm not counting it in this category because I don't understand if it should be.
Whole Grains: Belvita tea cookies, any whole grain cereal, and Minute Rice Minute Medley's Multi-Grain flavor which is amazing stuff and exactly 8 ounces and reading in 60 seconds and contains like six kinds of whole grain. (The Belvitas are not really necessary for the diet, but I love them and they're whole grain and only 1.36 ounces so I don't feel guilty and they get me to drink more green tea.)
Green Tea: Currently finishing off a box of half black/half green. Then I'll switch to whole green.
Water: Tap
Dairy: Organic Valley 0% Skim Milk (often with added whey protein), Publix brand fat-free blueberry yogurt.
Fruit: Any fruit at all but always apples, blueberries (frozen for smoothies with V8), and avocados (which pair great with sardines).
Veggies: I try to stick to the leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, and sweet potatoes. I won't turn down red beans but they seem like one of those veggies that straddles the line between actually healthy and seems healthy.
V8 Fusion 100% Juice: Its own category because I only get the flavors that have a full serving of both fruit and vegetable in 8 ounces. I know there's no way it's as good as regular old vegetable juice, but I can't stand that stuff.
Produce Aisle
Random fruit
An extra vegetable if I'm cooking it that night
Juice Aisle
V8 Fusion: Blueberry Pomegrante
Cookie Aisle
Rice Aisle
Minute Rice's Minute Medley's Multi-Grains
Canned Meats Aisle
Cereal Aisle
Green Tea
Snack Aisle
Frozen Aisle
Diced Chicken
Dairy Aisle
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