So, I'm ready to re-examine this list. Consolidate and re-evaluate. Here is the official list of things experts say I should do every day.
- Wake up after 7-9 hours of sleep.
- Say oath that centers you.
- Stand tall and stretch.
- 10 deep breaths.
- Drink a glass of water.
- Do a walkthrough of schedule.
- Eat breakfast.
- Walk as much as possible.
- Lift weights twice a week for 30 minutes.
- 150 minutes of cardio over 2-3 times a week. HR in fat burning zone.
- 2 cups fruit (apples, blueberries, avocado)
- 3 cups vegetables (leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, red beans, spinach, sweet potato, juice)
- 8 ounces whole grains (wheat germ)
- 6 ounces protein (oily fish, almonds)
- 3 cups dairy (yogurt)
- 64 oz waters
- green tea
- No Pasta, Dessert, Alcohol, Fast Food, Soda, Processed Meals, Canned Soups
- 56 grams of protein 10%-35% of calories
Start each week with an “eat more” goal for something good for you.
Get a blood test for vitamin D and B12, iron, and folate.
Ask yourself what bothers you most. What will fix it? Then schedule a solution into your calendar.
Talk with people.
Brush and floss twice a day.
Inhale with diaphragm (belly) and exhale pulling belly in.
Spend time in Nature
Spend times with friends and family
Express gratitude
Challenge yourself
Touch Someone
Be Optimistic
Please and Thank You
Say I Love You
Classical Music
Random act of kindness
Alone with thoughts
Learn something new
Leave gaps in schedule
Arrive early
I've been doing most of them. Most often to not be checked daily?
- Ask yourself what bothers you most and schedule to fix it. (I really ain't got no worries.)
- Spend time in nature. (I go to the park but that's not what I consider "nature")
- Cardio/Strength. (I'm just so busy with Hunter.)
Several of these can be combined, some I'm eliminating, and the diet is getting some rearranging because I suspect the FDA has been bribed and I'm stuffed each day.
Here's the new list. That's right. They might have decades of research, but I have a self-aggrandizing idea that I could probably be smarter than them thar what skyentists.
MORNING SCHEDULE (stays the same)
- Wake up after 7-9 hours of sleep.
- Say oath that centers you. ("I will be better.")
- Stand tall and stretch.
- 10 deep breaths.
- Drink a glass of water.
- Do a walkthrough of schedule.
- Eat breakfast.
EXERCISE (stays the same even if I'm not doing it)
- Walk as much as possible.
- Lift weights twice a week for 30 minutes.
- 150 minutes of cardio over 2-3 times a week. HR in fat burning zone.
- 3 (not 2) cups fruit (apples, blueberries, avocado)
- 3 cups vegetables (leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, red beans, spinach, sweet potato, juice)
- 4 (not 8) ounces whole grains (and wheat germ is out, mixed grains are in)
- 6 ounces protein (oily fish, almonds)
- 2 (not 3) cups dairy (yogurt and now a protein powder shake)
- 64 oz waters
- green tea
- No Pasta, Dessert, Alcohol, Fast Food, Soda, Processed Meals, Canned Soups
- 56 grams of protein 10%-35% of calories
Start each week with an “eat more” goal for something good for you.
Get a blood test for vitamin D and B12, iron, and folate. (if you show symptoms)
Ask yourself what bothers you most. What will fix it? Then schedule a solution into your calendar.
Brush and floss twice a day.
Inhale with diaphragm (belly) and exhale pulling belly in.
Spend time in Nature (... as much nature as you have)
Exercise (replaced with Stay Active, exercise is covered above)
Have Fun And Be Nice [Spend times with friends and family (combines with) Talk with people. (and) Laugh (and) Touch Someone (and) Please and Thank You (and) Say I Love You (and) Random act of kindness]
Express gratitude
Challenge yourself (absorbs) Learn something new (because when you challenge yourself you either learn through success or failure)
Be Optimistic
Classical Music
Alone with thoughts (and) Meditate (renamed to be funny as) Be Alone With and Without Thoughts
Leave gaps in schedule
Arrive early
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