Day 1

Kiri's calling this my Super Diet.  I don't like that since it's meant to be a lifestyle restriction and not just a food restriction.  Don't know what it's called.

Fiscal Fast:  I bought a $1.25 tube of chapstick.  It was very cold this morning. (Realized I need a few exemptions to the "only the essential" fiscal fast to buy Xmas presents)

Morning:  I got 7 hours of sleep, then stood tall and stretched, took 10 deep breaths, and did a walkthrough of my schedule.  I didn't drink a glass of water and my "oath that centers you" was "I am vengeance. I am the night!  I... AM... BATMAN!" so I think that needs work, but it felt good.  Set a goal to eat more leafy greens this week.

Breakfast:  Hunter helped me make a smoothie out of mixed fruit and V8.  Then I made some green tea and had whole grain tea cookies with it.  Brushed and flossed afterwards.

Lunch: Skipped, walked instead.  Drank 0 oz of water.  I don't like taking bathroom breaks.  Told Kiri I loved her.

Work:  Arrived early.  Walked a lot.  Kept remembering to breath properly.  Talked with people.  Expressed gratitude.  Talked about my optimistic plans to pick up failing ranges and then campaign the state senate to require proof of license with registration for bikes like cars. Laughed.  Said my please and thank yous.  Spent $50 on a new sign, $5 on sharpies, and $10 on taillights.

Afterwork:  Spent time with family and Stephanie, but only Hunter seemed interested in hanging out with me. Touched all three of them. Kiri and Steph were tired from something.  Found all the gaps in the schedule were the rest of the day.

Dinner:  Kipper snacks (herring), brown and wild rice, corn, baked beans.  Learned something new: what the hell kipper snacks are and that I like them!  Kiri made pork loin and I snagged a slice on the run!

Afterdinner:  Finished reading the Chronicles of Tao while listening to classical music.

Plans for tonight:  Drink water.  Floss.  Meditate.  Be alone with my thoughts.

Stuff I didn't do:
Spend time in Nature
Challenge yourself
Random act of kindness
Lift weights
CardioGet a blood test for vitamin D and B12, iron, and folate.
Ask yourself what bothers you most.  What will fix it?  Then schedule a solution into your calendar.
(apples, blueberries, avocado)
(leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato)
(wheat germ)
3 cups dairy (yogurt)
56 grams of protein 10%-35% of calories


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