Book Blogger Challenge 1/15

Make 15 book-related confessions

1.  I abandon books I'm not enjoying, then read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.  When I have conversations about the book, I don't tell the other person if this is what I did and speak as if I finished the book.

2.  I don't like several must-love classics like To Kill A Mockingbird and Catcher in the Rye.

3.  My favorite books happen to be short like Dr. Jekyll and slaughtermatic

4.  I am not open to the idea that modern fiction is as good as classic fiction.

5.  I don't like Dr Seuss.  I do not like him, Sam-I-Am.

6.  I can't tell one fantasy and/or science fiction book from another.  They'll all the same auto-ego-masturbation to me.

7.  I throw out books.  That is tantamount to evil for some people, but I see nothing wrong with it.

8.  I download my comics.  My rate of purchase to download is around 1:25.

9.  When people ask me for honest feedback, I do not give it.  I stay positive.

10.  I think full bookshelves are a sign of someone with an insecurity of their intelligence.

11.  I don't think there's a reason to own more than one bookshelf cabinet.

12.  I think everyone should write a book, even if they can't write well.

13.  I buy books at Goodwill, sign them as the author, then re-donate them.

14.  When I write a book, I'll bury and sly insult in it about someone I know.  Then I know if they actually read the book.

15.  I hate e-readers SO FAR.  I will abandon books when I find one I like.


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