A challenge to end a story with "...and then the world exploded!"

God said, “Boo.”

Naturally, it was very startling. First the world had to come to grips with the undeniable fact that there actually was a god. Then came the realization that he was something of a twat. Everyone heard that first “boo” and every bit of the taunting that came later. It didn't matter your location or elevation or language. Even the deaf heard Him. That was another thing. God was a him. The voice was masculine, but not very, like a preteen boy. This came as an embarrassment to people who had always imagined themselves to be edgy and progressive by referring to God with feminine pronouns. Whereas those progressive attention seekers just mumbled and switched pronouns, the atheists were overcome with fear. Well, most people were, but the atheists really went overboard with it. The churches were full every hour of the day. Crosses and rosary beads became popular everydayware, but so did other religious symbols like Stars of David or Muslim crescents. God never specified initially which religion was correct. He just said, “Boo” and let people panic. As previously stated, something of a twat move.

A few years went by which, if biblical scholarly types were to be believed, was not supposed to be that long for God. Some of the fear subsided, but really, no one could outrightly dismiss the terror and feeling of insignificance. Life never returned to anything resembling normal. There was no point to commerce or dating. Everyone was too scared for that. It was all “here, have it for free because I'm so good and should go to heaven” and “let's get married before we even kiss each other because we don't want to piss off the Almighty.”

When the earthquakes began, everyone blamed everyone else for upsetting the Lord Above. “He's punishing us because you touched yourself” or “This is because you had impure thoughts”. Lots of people died. They weren't normal earthquakes. They were earth (space) quakes. Quakes of the earth. The entire planet, every location had quakes at the same time, like God was batting the planet around like a kitten with trapped lizard. The destruction was awful and the accounts of the dead filled the airwaves. And the entire human race reacted out of fear and declared a War on God.

In the wake of the destruction, the human race united against a common enemy, though with no idea of how to fight their deity, a being of limitless power and omniscience. The Earth has united its armies and its greatest minds and had begun preparations to attack God as if he was some corporeal enemy, when an enthusiastic voice boomed from the heavens with joy in His voice.


The armies scattered and the entire human race did its best to hide from the Almighty, taking to bunkers and staying indoors. In the coming years, children were raised to sleeping during the day and only go out at night for fear that God might see them. Stories were passed back and forth about God. Some were rehashing of religious tales and some were new creations based on the Lord since he made himself known. These were added to the existing tales of miracles and creation. For centuries, each culture had its own legends and superstitions of the creation of the planet and the universe. None of them, it turned out, were right. One day, God explained the creation of life, the universe, and everything. But not to the human race. It was very technical and contained many terms that human ears had never heard before. As God was not speaking to the human race, they only caught pieces of His explanation, but everyone was sure of how it started.

“For my science project, I made a model of the universe out of atoms.”

Through God's speech, which lasted for years in the time of the Earth, the suicide rate skyrocketed. When he explained the human race in terms of genetics and molecules, as if no essence of the human soul existed, society crumbled and neighbor turned on neighbor. There was no heaven or hell and God did not care for us. He wasn't even that good of a speaker. The universe must have been a disappointment, because he was upset with his grade on the project.

Centuries passed and society rebuilt itself as the certainty of God's existence and the existence of the universe turned to legend. Man and woman returned to normal over hundreds and hundreds of years. Children played, the world got along, and it was a golden age of science and literacy. God only spoke two more words to the universe. Scientists had started to panic about a gigantic dark mass between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela near the edge of the observable universe.

“Stupid project,” came His booming voice, filled with the bitterness and spite of a betrayed boy.

The entire universe recoiled in horror. Many died from fright alone and mothers held their children so tight they hurt them. The sound that filled the universe, that last sound in the universe, was a fuse burning, the distinctive “sssssss” of a firecracker. It lasted for years, but the terror never stopped. The entire universe was tortured by His final fit. It was a death sentence that could happen at anytime, any moment. For over twenty years, there was only fear.

… and then the Earth exploded!


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