Course: Pirate's Cove: Captain's Course (Orlando)
Players: Hunter (2 years old), Adam (32 years old)
Hole 1: Par 2
Hunter shot 3.
Adam skipped his shot to put a buffer between them and the next players in anticipation of Hunter causing problems.
Hole 2: Par 2
Hunter shot 20, including picking it up and putting it down in a better spot.
Adam shot 2.
Hole 3: Par 2
Hunter shot 6.
Adam shot 1.
Hole 4: Par 2
Hunter shot 12.
Adam shot 2.
Hole 5: Par 2
Hunter shot 22.
Adam shot 1.
Hole 6: Par 2
Hunter was scared of the waterfall and refused to play.
Adam shot 1, then Hunter tipped it in.
Hole 7: Par 2
Hunter had a hard time understanding the water hazard, picked up both balls, and moved to the next one.
Adam shot 1 before being caught in Hunter's game.
Hole 8: Par 2
Hunter shot 8, then picked the ball up and dropped it in the hole.
Adam shot 2.
Hole 9: Par 3
Hunter knocked both balls back through the tunnel they came through, then went to the other side of the tunnel and hit them through, then repeated over and over until he decided it was time to move to the next hole.
Adam shot 1 before being caught in Hunter's game.
Hole 10: Par 2
Hunter shot 11.
Adam shot 2.
Hole 11: Par 3
Hunter shot 12, but found it was more fun to take the ball to the top of a big hill and roll it down than play.
Adam shot 3.
Hole 12: Par 2
Hunter shot 21.
Adam shot 2.
Hole 13: Par 2
Hunter shot 2.
Adam shot 3.
Wait... what?! Hunter beat me?!
Hole 14: Par 2
Hunter found another rolly hill that was more fun than playing golf.
Adam shot 3.
Hole 15: Par 2
Hunter found a rolly hill.
Adam shot 3.
Hole 16: Par 3
Hunter shot 15.
Adam shot 3.
Hole 17: Par 2
Hunter shot 1, then the ball left the course. When the ball was found, Hunter returned to the start of Hole 16 and played it again, but the ball left the course again and was unfound. Adam gave Hunter his ball and Hunter played Hole 16 again, then played Hole 17, but the ball left the course in the same way that it did last time. Hunter played Hole 17 again, shot 7, then kicked the ball into the hole.
Adam shot 3.
Hole 18: Par 3
Hunter shot 8 and had trouble figuring out why the ball was gone.
Adam didn't play Hole 18 because Hunter's replacement ball was Adam's and it disappeared at the end of the course.
Total: Par 40
Hunter: 147, 3 lost balls, 3 rolly hills, 2 water hazard abandonments, 2 picked up balls, 1 kick, and 1 hole played backwards
Adam: 34, 4 holes unscorable
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