#9 O'Shannon

#9 O'Shannon

"A world war?" asked O'Shannon, his tea lowering from his upper lip briefly.  "I simply don't believe it.  Oh a believe there will be a war in some world at some time as there always is, but not in my world.  Not at my time.  The world and its wars and its going ons affects us as we let it, old bean.  I'm in control of my strata same as you are in control of yours.  The man at the next table is upset or worried or anxious.  I think it was something about the price of silver dropping it.  You aren't upset by the price of silver dropping though, are you, old bean?  No.  So his war with that copy of the Journal and his war with his blood pressure don't affect your world.  I believe there is no difference between that and this.  Let another world have its war.  It won't bother me.  It doesn't affect me.  I realize some may call that denial or even insanity, but you know what?  They don't affect me my world either."

He raised the tea to his lips and sipped.

"I'm quite comfortable in my own little world and should be very much put out to have a war intrude on it."


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