I can't be the only one noticing that the symbol for the Orange Lantern aka Agent Orange aka Larfleeze bears a striking resemblance (in stick figure form) to the famous "Gonzo fist", a symbol for Hunter S Thompson and the entire Gonzo journalism movement. The two thumbed fist is gripping a peyote button, the bud of a cactus plant that has hallucinogenic properties. While I'm not going as far as to say that Larfleeze is on peyote, it's worth noting that Gonzo journalism is participating and giving up neutrality in the subject. Larfleeze literally makes his entire Orange Lantern Corp out of himself, participating in everything and taking a self-absorbed stand on every issue.

Left: Orange Lantern symbol
Right: Gonzo Journalism symbol

Left: Orange Lantern symbol
Right: Gonzo Journalism symbol
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