Obama and Biden Lunch at Ray's Hell Burger - DCist: Washington DC News, Food, Arts & Events

I saw a great caption on a picture of Obama at a basketball game and it's applied to every picture since. It was "You know what this is? This is a picture of the president of the United States being awesome."
By itself, this is not a significant picture. But let's think about why this is an awesome picture.
1) This is a picture of the most powerful man in the world chillin'
2) Obama is chillin' with Biden with obvious go-fuck-yourself to Secret Service protect the line of succession that only allows the two to be outside the White House or Capitol together for... well, never.
3) That ain't rabbit food. That there is American food. Honestly, did the leader of the free world really have to go "Ray's Hell Burger" to get this? I just see it in the White House kitchen. "I want a motherfucking hamburger and some tater tots. Does Obama have to smack a bitch? Fuck this noise, I'm going to Ray's. Yo, Biden, we rollin'!" lmao
For a little more though, consider the story: (bolding is mine)
5) This was a surprise visit. Significant for many reasons. He's well liked enough to walk the streets. Even though he's expected to receive assassination attempts his whole career, no one checked the crowd for weapons or secured the area. This aides me in my theory that Obama is actually invulnerable.
6) Guy was nice to the little people.
7) Tater tots and spicy mustard (if you have it). Nuff said.
Oh, and he put a fiver in the tip jar. You know, jumpstart the economy.
Actually, he popped into a place call Ben's Chili Bowl one time and there was a line around the building for six weeks after. Maybe this is Obama's stimulus plan. He goes to an independently owned lunch spot and for six weeks they do amazing business. Extra staff is hired, creating jobs. Extra revenue could result in a franchise opening. Making cheap food trendy will save Americans money.
Wait, this is the "O-Pattern". Oprah saved the book industry, now Obama is going to save the restaurant industry. Join the Obama Food Club today.

I saw a great caption on a picture of Obama at a basketball game and it's applied to every picture since. It was "You know what this is? This is a picture of the president of the United States being awesome."
By itself, this is not a significant picture. But let's think about why this is an awesome picture.
1) This is a picture of the most powerful man in the world chillin'
2) Obama is chillin' with Biden with obvious go-fuck-yourself to Secret Service protect the line of succession that only allows the two to be outside the White House or Capitol together for... well, never.
3) That ain't rabbit food. That there is American food. Honestly, did the leader of the free world really have to go "Ray's Hell Burger" to get this? I just see it in the White House kitchen. "I want a motherfucking hamburger and some tater tots. Does Obama have to smack a bitch? Fuck this noise, I'm going to Ray's. Yo, Biden, we rollin'!" lmao
For a little more though, consider the story: (bolding is mine)
While Obama and Biden waited in line, the lunch crowd stood and gawked, some took pix with cell phones. The two guys in line ahead of them studied their menus, oblivious to who was behind them.4) The most powerful man in the world stood quietly in line and chilled while a couple of guys discussed what exactly is in a BLT. He was so respectful, they didn't even know he was there.When Obama and Biden reached the front, Obama greeted the two order-takers. The guy who took Obama's order and money was Tim Murray. There's still some debate among press on exactly what Obama ordered, since it was hard to hear. He definitely had a burger. I heard him say "basic cheeseburger, medium well." But someone else heard him say "Swiss mushroom burger." He definitely asked Mr. Murray for "spicy mustard, if you have it." There may have also been talk of tater tots.
5) This was a surprise visit. Significant for many reasons. He's well liked enough to walk the streets. Even though he's expected to receive assassination attempts his whole career, no one checked the crowd for weapons or secured the area. This aides me in my theory that Obama is actually invulnerable.
6) Guy was nice to the little people.
7) Tater tots and spicy mustard (if you have it). Nuff said.
Oh, and he put a fiver in the tip jar. You know, jumpstart the economy.
Actually, he popped into a place call Ben's Chili Bowl one time and there was a line around the building for six weeks after. Maybe this is Obama's stimulus plan. He goes to an independently owned lunch spot and for six weeks they do amazing business. Extra staff is hired, creating jobs. Extra revenue could result in a franchise opening. Making cheap food trendy will save Americans money.
Wait, this is the "O-Pattern". Oprah saved the book industry, now Obama is going to save the restaurant industry. Join the Obama Food Club today.
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