30 Days of D&D at once

How you got started: My parents started DragonCon sooo... kinda born into it.
Favorite Playable Race: Halfling
Favorite Playable Class: Rogue
Favorite Gameworld: The Nebuchadnezzar, a dimension-hopping ark
Your favorite set of dice/individual die: e-dice baby!  It's all e-dice now!
Favorite Deity: Olidammara, God of Chaos and Fun
Favorite Edition: 5th, but I do miss some elements of 3.5.
Favorite Character You Have Played: Larceny Padfooting, classic halfling rogue
Favorite Character You Haven't Played: A tauric polar bear of legend
Craziest thing that's happened that you saw: Triple nat 20 kills a red dragon in the first action of the first round
Favorite Adventure You Have Run: I converted Ocean's 11 into an adventure
Favorite Dungeon Type/Location: Kobold Lair.  Tiny tunnels, tons of traps, moral implications of kobold families
Favorite Trap/Puzzle: I made three doors to enter the dungeon.  They were all instant death.
Favorite NPC: Uncle from the Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon turned into the wise knowledge base and artificer.  He abused the characters terribly and they loved it.  I would play him a few times and to show the respect this character garnered, he went into a trance to Contact Another Plane and spoke to a god, who was very intent on leaving a good impression on Uncle and went all fanboy on him.
Favorite Monster (Undead): Skeleton, with early edition rules that make them very hard to stab cause they have no guts
Favorite Monster (Abberation): Intellect Devourer 5e!  So over-powered and scary.
Favorite Monster (Animal/Vermin):  Toad with Titanic template
Favorite Monster (Immortal/Outsider): Incubus.  Everyone expects the sexy demon woman, but not the sexy demon man.
Favorite Monster (Elemental/Plant):  None really.
Favorite Monster (Humanoid/Natural/Fey): KOBOLDS!  They're so sneaky!
Favorite Dragon Color/Type:  Clockwork... or the new 5e Gold.
Favorite Monster Overall:  Thing The DM Made Up
Least Favorite Monster Overall:  Beholder.  Is anyone really scared of these or is everyone just faking it because it's on the cover of everything?
Favorite Energy Type: Fire... burn everything.  Cliched, but it's fun.
Favorite Magic Item: Ehlonna's Quiver.  Totally underrated.
Favorite Nonmagic Item: Mithral umbrella, the umbrella was in the a splatbook and the idea to apply mithral to it was mine.  Folding shield that granted a balance bonus.
A character you want to play in the future: I always want to play more Baron Von Munchhausen, a real life German nobleman who was famous for outrageous tales of incredible deeds.
A character you will never play again: A wild west character who carried no gear except dynamite.
What is the number you always seem to roll on a d20? 3
Best DM you've had: If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.


I wanted to give these two sides of me a chance to let off some steam. Therapy.

Epic Rap Battles of Insanity!  Adam Simon VERSUS Armando Simón Tercero! BEGIN!

Yo soy Cubano! El jefe de aqui!
You wanna be first? The line starts behind me.
You’re just a mask I invented to hide who I am.
A spoonful of sugar so they don’t choke on my scam.
You might as well scram.  Here comes the final exam.
Why do you choose to be you when you can be who I am?

I’m the bon vivant of O-town and I’m glad that we’ve met.
My biggest regret is I can’t follow the example I’ve set.
There’s no need to be first; in fact, I prefer it.
If you win and caused the loss of others then you’re unfit
For the philosophy of me that the universe is knit
And what happens to one, happens to all.
You came first, but we evolved, and I’m the belle of the ball,
All eyes on me performing while you stand in line at will-call.

You want your name up in lights and you’re chasing your byline.
Google my name and I’ll show you how to get a headline.
Yo soy Armando El Tercero De Perez,
Primo Hermano De Bacardi, Nieto De
Médico Cardiólogo Del Presidente
Fidel Castro, El Doctor Simón!
You’re an AKA on my police reports, A-dumb.

You’re real, but reality is perception.
The world perceives me.  You’re a just failed inception.
I fly planes and race cars while you ride the back seat,
Trapped and restrained to just yell as I sleep
On two-thousand thread Egyptian, perfect family at my side
You might have been born, but when I was born, you died.