1. To have fun and be happy.
2. To get control of the monsters in my head.
3. To lose weight.
4. To save money.
1. If I fuck up. I admit it here.
2. I get off Thanksgiving and Christmas family meals so I don't look weird, but I won't overdo it.
3. I get off my birthday February 20th and I will overdo it.
4. I can drink on New Year's Eve.
5. In additional to this, I am reinstating my fiscal fast challenge. I will not spend any money on anything that is not absolutely essential. This will mean that a few of my goals for the year will go unmet unless someone pays for me, but that's okay. They'll just become next year's goals.
Wake up after 7-9 hours of sleep.
Say oath that centers you.
Stand tall and stretch.
10 deep breaths.
Drink a glass of water.
Do a walkthrough of schedule.
Eat breakfast.
Walk as much as possible.
Lift weights twice a week for 30 minutes.
150 minutes of cardio over 2-3 times a week. HR in fat burning zone.
2 cups fruit (apples, blueberries, avocado), 3 cups vegetables (leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, red beans, spinach, sweet potato, juice), 8 ounces whole grains (wheat germ), 6 ounces protein (oily fish, almonds), 3 cups dairy (yogurt), 64 oz waters, green tea
No Pasta, Dessert, Alcohol, Fast Food, Soda, Processed Meals, Canned Soups
56 grams of protein 10%-35% of calories
Start each week with an “eat more” goal for something good for you.
Get a blood test for vitamin D and B12, iron, and folate.
Ask yourself what bothers you most. What will fix it? Then schedule a solution into your calendar.
Talk with people.
Brush and floss twice a day.
Inhale with diaphragm (belly) and exhale pulling belly in.
Spend time in Nature
Spend times with friends and family
Express gratitude
Challenge yourself
Touch Someone
Be Optimistic
Please and Thank You
Say I Love You
Classical Music
Random act of kindness
Alone with thoughts
Learn something new
Leave gaps in schedule
Arrive early
Dietitian: start of each week, write down an “eat more” goal: eat more fish; eat more greens. at the start of each day, do a walkthrough of your schedule.
Sports Coach: Drink a glass of water in the morning. Walk as much as you can and lift weights two to three times a week.
Hormone Specialist: Get a blood test for vitamin D and B12, iron, and folate.
Dietary-Fat Scientist: 500 mg omega-3 fatty acid supplement or two weekly 3.5 servings of fatty fish
Yoga Instructor: Start morning with an oath that centers you. Then stand tall and stretch. Then take 10 deep breaths or better yet go for a walk outside.
Cardiologist: Exercise five times a week for 30 minutes
Breathing Coach: Inhale with your diaphram (belly). Exhale pulling belly in.
Microbial Ecologist: Eat good fats (nuts and fish) and fiber and whole foods.
Holistic Internist: Ask yourself what bothers you most. What will fix it? Then schedule a solution into your calendar.
Neuroscientist: Talk with people.
Personal Trainer: Cardio two or three times a week for 150 minutes total, keeping heart rate in the fat burning zone & strength training twice a week, one day upper, one day lower.
Government Dietary Recommendations: 2 cups fruit, 3 cups vegetables, 8 ounces whole grains, 6 ounces protein, 3 cups dairy, 8 8oz waters
Massage Therapist: Sleep at regular times 7-9 hours every night, do full-body strengthening exercises twice a week for half an hour, eat vegetables, especially leafy greens every day, do some kind of mindfulness practice (meditation, or meditative walks, or tai chi, etc). Feel love for others and yourself. Or at least gratitude. Leave gaps in the schedule. Arrive to appointments and meetings early.
Alton Brown
Daily: Fruits, Whole Grains, Leafy Greens, Nuts, Carrots, Green Tea
3x Weekly: Oily Fish, Yogurt, Broccoli, Sweet Potato, Avocado
1x Weekly: Red meat, Pasta, Dessert, Alcohol
0x Weekly: Fast Food, Soda, Processed Meals, Canned Soups, “Diet” anything
Always Eat Breakfast
Mayo clinic superfoods
- Almonds
- Apples
- Blueberries
- Broccoli
- Red Beans
- Salmon
- Spinach
- Sweet Potatoes
- Vegetable Juice
- Wheat Germ
7 Hours of Sleep
56 grams of protein 10%-35% of calories
Spend times with friends and family
Express gratitude
Challenge yourself
Touch Someone
Be Optimistic
Please and Thank You
Say I Love You
Classical Music
Random act of kindness
Alone with thoughts
Learn something new
1 cup of fruit is:
1 banana
1 small 2.5” diameter apple or .5 large 3.25” diameter apple
1 cup applesauce
32 grapes
1 pear
1” thick watermelon slice
8 strawberries
1 cup 100% fruit juice
1 cup of vegetable is:
1 cup vegetable juice
2 carrots
1 tomato
1 sweet potato
1 ounce of protein is:
1 ounce of meat
.25 cup of beans
12 almonds
1 egg