The I-Ching foretells Kiri and Stephanie's trip to Casadega to see a psychic

9: Approach of Spring

Approach of Spring
Spring is approaching. Good times ahead seem inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are only just beginning to stir, and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, conscientious work pays great dividends. A clear road lies ahead. In the spring, seeds that have been lying dormant are ready to bloom.
Act now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be challenged. No spring lasts forever. It’s always wise to stay alert and note the changing signs of the times. In doing so, preparing for less abundant times is a noble and fruitful effort. Make the most of it.


Line 2

When you are offered a good opportunity, prospects for success are very favorable. This is a good time to take strong, valiant action. When a person possesses inner strength and self-confidence, the future need not be a concern, for everything will move in a positive direction.

Line 4

An open-minded approach brings success. Organizations that value performance over superficial qualities advance much more quickly than those that take a complacent, cliquey attitude. Avoid prejudices against those of different backgrounds. When complacency creeps into your personal life, radical action may be necessary to change the prevailing mood.

Line 5

The greatest leaders reveal their true power by attracting people of excellent ability, and by allowing key associates the freedom to exercise their own judgment. The person able to give power to those who can effectively exercise it, gains much more power in return.


63: After Completion

After Completion
It is a fine irony that after completion of a project or great enterprise, there is still much left to do. Completion is merely a pause in the cycle of creation and decay, a momentary still point for the swinging pendulum of life. Though completion does imply a period of restful pause — one that usually has been well earned — it is not an actual ending, but a uniquely harmonious flat spot in the constancy of change and movement.
The image of After Completion is that of a kettle of water boiling over a fire. When the forces are balanced, the water boils properly; but if the pot is too full and boils over, it puts out the fire. On the other hand, if the fire is too hot for too long, it can evaporate all the water. In maintaining the equilibrium that follows the completion of an arduous task, forces at work in the situation must be monitored carefully to ensure that a proper balance is maintained.
After Completion is also the time for fine-tuning, for refinements and embellishments of what has already been accomplished.
Even if we enjoy a rewarding situation at the moment, the laws of the natural world dictate that influence and success must eventually decline. Don’t let current good fortune prompt careless or relaxed attitudes. Whatever is successful or already established needs to be carefully maintained, without trying to expand it now. What is incomplete, on the other hand, should be brought to fruition without delay.
Take satisfaction upon completion, enjoy a sense of fulfillment, but do not dwell on endings.

Made some 2nd level 5th ed D&D characters for a game

N Human, Cleric 2, Acolyte
Str 15, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 9
AC: 16 (20 with shield), Speed: 30, HP: 21
Languages: Common, +3

Warhammer and Shield: +5 to hit, 1d8+5 / Two Handed Warhammer: +5 to hit, 1d10+5

Proficiency: all armor, shields, simple weapons, save: wis, save: cha, religion, persuasion, insight

Other: Life Domain: +2+spell level to healing, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life (divide 10 hp healing to those 30 feet around you)

0-level 3/rest
Guidance, Sacred Flame, Light
1-level 3/rest
Guiding Bolt, Command, Bless, Cure Wounds (Domain)

Bless: 3 targets gets +1d4 to attack and saving throws. Duration: concentration up to 1 minute.
Command: One word command vs Wisdom saving throw
*Cure Wounds: Touch heals 1d8+3 (+3 domain)
Guidance: 1 target gets +1d4 once to ability check. Duration: concentration up to 1 minute.
*Guiding Bolt: +5 to hit, 4d6 radiant damage and next attack against target gains advantage
Light: 20 feet, 1 hour
*Sacred Flame: 1d8 radiant damage vs Dex

Equipment: Holy symbol (gift given to you when you entered the priesthood), prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch with 15 gp, warhammer 1d8/1d10, chain shirt 13+dex, light crossbow 20 bolts 1d8 two handed, priest’s pack, shield +2
holy symbol

Trait: I quote (or misquote) sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.
Ideal: Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god’s favor by matching my actions against his or her teachings.
Bond: I seek to preserve a sacred text that my enemies consider heretical and seek to destroy.
Flaw: My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.

CN High Elf, Wizard 2, Sage (Professor)
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 10
AC: 14 (17 with Mage Armor), Speed: 30, HP: 14
Languages: Common, Elvish, +3

Staff: +1 to hit, 1d6-1 / Two Handed Staff: +1 to hit, 1d8-1

Proficiency: perception, longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow, daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows, Save: Intelligence, Save: Wisdom, Arcana, History, Investigation, Insight

Other: darkvision 60, advantage vs charmed, immune vs sleep magic, meditate 4 hours instead of sleep 8, know 1 cantrip, Spell Recovery (Short Rest to regain 1 spell), Arcane Tradition (cheaper to learn Evocation)
Equipment: quarterstaff 1d6/1d8, component pouch, scholar’s pack, spellbook, ink, quill, small knife, a letter from a dead collegue with a question you have yet to answer, common clothes, belt pouch containing 10 gp

0-level, 3/rest
Fire Bolt, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand (known)
1-level, 3/rest
Charm Person, Sleep, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Disguise Self

Charm Person: Vs Wis (gains advantage if in combat vs caster’s party), 1 hour
Disguise Self: Investigation vs DC 13, 1 hour
*Fire Bolt: +6 to hit, 1d10 fire, 120 range
*Mage Armor: AC 13+Dex, 8 hours
Mage Hand: 30 feet, 10 pounds, 1 minute
*Magic Missile: 3 darts, 1d4+1, 120 feet
Prestidigitation: 1 hour
*Sleep:  Roll 5d8 to produce number of hit points possible to induce sleep.  Choose target 90 feet away.  Starting with lowest hit points within 20 feet of target, characters fall asleep until hit points are used up.  1 minute.

Trait: I . . . speak . . . slowly . . . when talking . . . to idiots, . . . which . . . almost . . . everyone . . . is . . . compared . . . to me.
Ideal: No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.
Bond: I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands.
Flaw: Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.

LN Mountain Dwarf, Fighter 2, Noble
Str: 20 Dex: 8 Con: 18 Int: 10 Wis: 12 Cha: 14
AC: 14 (18 with shield), Speed: 25, HP: 24
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, +1

Two Handed Greatsword: +7 to hit, 2d6+5 (reroll 1s and 2s on damage)
Handaxe and Shield: +7 to hit, 1d6+5 / Thrown Handaxe: +7 to hit, 1d6+5

Proficiency: brewer’s tools, all armor, all simple weapons, all martial weapons, Save: Str, Save: Con, Perception, Intimidation, Game: Darts

Other: darkvision 60 ft, advantage vs poison, resistance vs poison, Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting (reroll all 1s and 2s on all damage rolls with two handed weapons), Second Wind 1/rest (bonus action: heal 1d10+2 hp), Action Surge 1/rest (additional action)

Equipment: chain mail 13+dex, greatsword 2d6, shield +2, two handaxes 1d6, explorer’s pack, fine clothes, signet ring, scroll of pedigree, purse with 25 gp

Trait: If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name, and salt your fields
Ideal: Responsibility. It is my duty to respect the authority of those above me, just as those below me must respect mine.
Bond: I am in love with the heir of a family that my family despises.
Flaw: By my words and actions, I often bring shame to my family.

LG Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue 2, Criminal (Smuggler)
Str 8, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 17
AC: 18, Speed: 25, HP 15
Languages: Common, Halfling

Rapier +7 to hit, 1d8+7 / Dagger (Melee or Thrown) +7 to hit, 1d4+7 / Shortbow +7 to hit, 1d6+7

Proficiency: simple weapons, hand crossbows, light armor, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, thieves’ tools, Save: Dexterity, Save: Intelligence, Stealth (Doubled: Expertise), Acrobatics, Perception, Deception (Doubled: Expertise), Athletics, Investigation, Game: Darts

Other: reroll 1s on d20s, advantage vs fear, move through any space occupied by creatures medium or larger, can hide behind a creature medium or larger, Sneak Attack +1d6, Thieves’ Cant Language, Cunning Action (bonus action to dash, disengage, or hide)

Equipment: Rapier 1d8 finesse, Shortbow 20 arrows 1d6, burglar’s pack, leather armor 11+dx, two daggers 1d4, thieves’ tools, crowbar, dark hooded clothes, belt pouch with 15 gp

Trait: I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
Ideal: Redemption. There’s a spark of good in everyone.
Bond: My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.
Flaw: I turn tail and run when things look bad.

Cognitive Decline

Grandma had it.  Dad had it.  Brother and I have the crazy that preceded it for them.  Cognitive decline is in the future.  Just swiping this space to write down a few tips for myself to weave into my lifestyle to combat it.

1.  Eat fatty fish; get omega 3s - salmon, mackerel, anchovies, herring, lake trout, albacore especially.  I take fish oil supplements every day and eat salmon once every other week.  Could eat more fish, but still doing ok.

2.  Drink a lot of coffee - 3-5 cups a day reduces chances of dementia and Alzheimer's by 65%.  3-5 cups of coffee per day to be drank before 2pm?!  Ugh.  Still... 65% is a lot.  And I like coffee.  It's just that I'm also drinking tea.  It's the anti-oxidants I need.  I don't know.

3.  Walk - Walking a few times each week increases the volume of the hippocampus 2% per year.  In older adults it typically shrinks 1-2% per year.  40 minutes 3 times a week?  That's already my weight loss plan.  Keep the heart rate low to burn fat.

4.  Learn a new language - I'm probably fine here.  The study was for bilingual adults who had English as a first language, which I am.  And my constant inching towards polyglotism has got to help.

5.  Meditate - I am not the sit still and do nothing type, but I wanted to learn to meditate.  The answer came when reading on Taoism and mindfulness how sitting and meditating was the first step and then you move to an advanced sitting and also meditate while you do things.  I've been practicing the latter and I've gotten pretty good at it.  Driving, watching cartoons with Hunter, laying in bed, slicing vegetables, cleaning, teaching... I've figured out how to use those activities to meditate for three or four minutes at a time.  Of course, since I'm supposed to get a daily session of 30-40 minutes, maybe I'm getting bumpkiss.

6.  Keep the mind active - Puzzles and challenges and stuff.  Advanced reading.  That's just how I chill so I'm good there.