300 word challenge: no adjectives

I saw. I saw it all. The children. The waves. The buildings and the businessmen. Details of the world I had never known to have existed laid out before my eyes. And I saw beyond the physical. I saw love. I could tell who was in love and who they were in love with. I could see the difference in the visions between the love of a father for his son and his mistress and his wife. They were colors, but not colors. There isn't a word for the difference in the visions.
And I saw hate. I saw concentrations of hate in one country that dwarfed others. I saw the depths of hate in that country, but when I looked away from it, I saw something else. Threads of hate rose up around the world as if the core of the Earth was a light source and someone had stuck pin pricks in the surface. This hate looked different. They were strings, extending out from the world, and not the pillar from the country. This was hate that could be overlooked because it belong to a person or a family and not a culture. I looked and saw people like anyone else. They didn't show their hate, but I could see it. Still, they walked through crowds and kept to themselves. It was their hate and they weren't sharing, but I could see.
“This one is yours,” said my creator. “Take care of this world.”

Diet and Exercise in my high school days

I'm doing P90X and as I was eating my mung bean and broccoli salad, I got wistful for my physical prime.  Then I started thinking about how bad I ate even though I looked cut.

Every school day, without fail, I would pop two s'mores pop tarts in the toaster, wrap them in a paper towel diaper, and eat them as I drove my 1982 F150 blue and tan pick up truck to school.  On a good day, I brought a cup of milk with me, but usually I just sucked my teeth clean.
2 S'mores Pop Tarts
400 calories
10g fat
72g carbs
6g protein

Every school day, without fail, I would rush to the cafeteria.  There were two cafeterias, one for seniors and one for everyone else.  I wasn't a senior, but the regular cafeteria had too long of a line so I would rush to the senior cafeteria and get in and get out quickly.  I had $2 of lunch money.  Chocolate milk was $0.25 and Zebra Cakes were $0.25.
4 Little Debbie Zebra Cakes
1340 calories
60g fat
194g carbs
8g protein

4 pints TG Lee 1% Chocolate Milk
640 calores
10g fat
112g carbs
32g protein

When I got done with wrestling practice, my mom would pick me up.  The workout so grueling I would just want to eat and just want to sleep.  She eventually started bring my bananas with her to pick me up, so I'd eat the four on the way home and collapse in bed until dinner.
4 bananas
420 calories
2g fat
108g carbs
5g protein

My mom is an outrageous cook, but Husband #2, while an excellent guy, like monotony and routine.  We probably had this meal 2-3 times every week.
Typical family dinner (porkchop, mashed potatos, green beans, diet coke)
620g calories
12g fat
40g carbs
60g protein

3420 calories
94g fat
526g carbs
111g protein

2 hours wrestling training 5x week
2 mile run 1x week
Ankle weights worn and backpack weighted through school

The school weights are weird, I know.  No one knew that I did them, I think.  My brother watched a show called Dragonball Z.  The characters on there are fighters that train for episodes at a time and one thing they do is wear weighted clothes.  It sounded like a good idea to me.  My neck got huge from the bookbag and my calves got monsterous from the constant weights.